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How to avoid Jet Lag:
Crossing time zones can cause you to wake up during the night or make it difficult to get to sleep. You then end up trying to get to sleep during the day. Your built-in circadian rhythms have been disturbed. And it can take many days to readjust to the new time zone. In fact, NASA estimates that you'll need one day for every one-hour time zone crossed to get back to your normal rhythm and energy levels. So a five hour time difference means that you'll need five days to get back to normal. Can you afford that?
Becoming tired and disoriented for days after arriving. Lack of concentration and motivation, especially for any activity that requires some effort or skill, like driving, reading, or discussing a business deal. But even simple activities can become harder. And your ability to really enjoy that vacation is significantly reduced.
A report from the World Health Organization directly links jet lag to problems like diarrhea caused by microbes contaminating your water or food, affecting about 50% of long distance travelers. "Factors like travel fatigue, jet lag, a change in your diet, a different climate, and lowered immunity may aggravate the problem by lowering the traveler's resistance. And making passengers more susceptible to infection, or even poisoning," the World Health report points out.
What if a simple process can help you rebuild your correct circadian rhythms?
How to avoid Jet lag offers a simple technique for reseting our biological clock at the time of our destination.
Thanks to this, you will not suffer anymore from jet lag.
Solution Design Notebook:
In your professional, associative or personal life, you've probably all experienced promising projects that have failed.
By observing the reasons you often notice that a part had not been sufficiently prepared or simply forgotten, this due to lack of time or knowledge.
Here is a short book, flexible, intuitive and reliable for project preparation matching people’s needs with what is technologically feasible, and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value, and market opportunity while motivating people.
Anyone can master the fundamentals of project management, no expertise is required. Good project design emits different sounds, or by makes strings vibrating. Using an unusual format, this short book takes the reader through a journey of 31 selected goals. Each one being a sets of insightful questions to ask yourself that will help you improve your project management preparation.
The objectives are gathered from fields as diverse as psychology, architecture, music, design, film, software engineering, theme park design, mathematics, writing, puzzle design, anthropology and startup creation.
Anyone who reads this book will have the tools to become a better project designer and will understand how to do it.